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Fancy Figures

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About The Project

Supply: 1111 NFTs

Mint Price: 50 ADA


image The thought behind this project:

Small effort – big effect

Each FancyFigures collection consists of extravagant, fancy figures. Each figure is created by hand. This means that every FancyFigure is truly unique.

What sets this project apart from other NFT projects? With every sale of a collection of FancyFigures, part of the sale is donated to people in need.

Now comes a very decisive point, because the FancyFigures community decides together to whom the donation will be released.

But that’s not all! FancyFigures also brings a lot of advantages for yourself. Because every FancyFigure sold is entered in a gallery on the community page of fancyfigurescnft.com. Everyone who visits the site has insight into the gallery.

As a highlight for every fancy holder, they get the opportunity to link their figure to their own social media account such as Twitter or Instagram or, if desired, to their own website.

In this way you give your figure a (your)name. On the community page, a total of 100 FancyFigures are always presented on one page. Conversely, this means for you that the earlier you are there, the sooner you will get to the top pages.


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*Nothing is endorsed. Do your own research before buying any NFT. Confirm the policy ID and other data is correct before buying.